Normal Hair Growth
Unfortunately, more than fifty percent of men and women in the United States do not experience normal hair growth. That is a staggering number, but the reality is that normal hair growth is not as commonplace as hair loss in people. Before we get to the three phases of normal hair growth let's talk about the hairs themselves.
Each strand of hair is an intricate tangle of dead protein produced by the hair follicle. The hair follicles are made of living cells that receive sustenance from the blood stream under the scalp. The hair itself is made up of dead cells. These dead hair cells cannot be brought back to life.
Normal Hair Growth Phases
There are three phases of normal hair growth. During these phases the hair follicle changes. The three phases are anagen, catagen and telogen.
Anagen phase
The anagen phase is where the hair begins its growth. New hair grows out of the hair follicle base. These hairs grow about a half inch per month for a period of time varying from four to six years.
Catagen phase
The catagen phase is when the hair begins to wither or shrink down. It is no longer growing. The lower section of the hair follicle starts to decline. Some shedding due to shampooing or normal grooming may occur.
Telogen phase
During the telogen phase the hair follicle is not active and it is normal for the hairs to be shed. It's not unusual to see shedding hairs on your pillow, in your comb or brush or perhaps in the sink. Some hair loss can be a daily routine. At the end of this phase the hair follicle reverts back to the anagen phase and a new hair bulb is created.
With that being started, the process of all three phases begins again. On average it is estimated that 50 to 100 hair follicles begin the anagen phase each day. When problems occur in the anagen phase, hair loss occurs. Visit our guide to hair loss treatments.